Step 11

Step 1

Click on SignUp and provide all the required data.
Step 22

Step 2

You get an email for verification of your account. Click on Activate..
Step 33

Step 3

Once activated, you get a link to your dashboard. Click on it to open your dashboard.
Step 44

Step 4

Click on New Listing and Provide all details of your business and Click Post Business. As soon as we verify your listing, it will be available to Search and Find!

Wadi Al Hamadh (وادي الحمض)

Wadi Al Hamadh (وادي الحمض) or Wadi Idham is one of the largest valleys of the Arabian peninsula, which is about 450 km long. It starts from the Medina area and runs north to the west to the northwest of Khyber when it meets the wadi gazelles. It then changes its direction to the west and crosses the mountains to the coastal plain to reach the Red Sea between the towns of Amlaj and Al-Jujah. And in some seasons it turns into a running river that may last more than 20 days without stop.
